24 October 2020

Learning from our Ecumenical partners

I've just been speed-reading a horrendous report on a former Anglican diocesan Bishop of Chester, a man called Whitsey, now departed this life. By the Mercy of God, may his soul rest in peace.

His life-long career of sexual Abuse rivalled that of Bishop Peter Ball, but also included women and girls as well as men and boys. 

Whitsey was married, with three children.

I mention all this, not to glory in the downfall of the C of E, or because it is meritorious to throw stones at other people (it isn't), but simply because there are Catholics (and others) who argue that Abuse in the Catholic Church is related to the Latin Rite rule of clerical celibacy, which should therefore, in their view, be abolished.

This is the purest, silliest, simplistic, nonsense. Incidentally: observe that Matrimony was not a safeguard against Abuse in the case of Bishop Whitsey. 

Human sexuality is, quite simply, immensely complex ... and dangerous. It has been since the Fall.

Anyone who implies otherwise is probably a crook with an agenda.

(h/t Dr Cotton)


  1. How sad all this is. When, many years ago, I served as an Anglican pastor in the Diocese of St Albans, Vic Whitsey (known locally as "The Purple Rumble") was Suffragan of Bedford. My dealings with him were no more complicated or difficult than those of any staunch Anglo-Catholic with the agents of the Establishment. I knew nothing -- until now -- of the allegations. But we do remember that when he visited my parish he invariably pressed a half-crown coin (real money, in those days) into the hands of each our two little children -- and there was certainly nothing more to the transaction than kindness.

    Fr Allan Hawkins (Texas)

  2. I have long ceased to believe any reports of clergy abuse. Because of large sums of money given to "victims" it is impossible to ascertain who is guilty and who is innocent. In an age when the secular world is waiting to eliminate the Church, we cannot trust any secular institutions to play fairly. The churches no doubt have some bad people,but the numbers of accused priests simply do not accord with reality, rather with a vindictive campaign to destroy people's faith and ractice.
