9 October 2018

Today ...

 ... I wish all readers a very happy Festum of Blessed John Henry Newman, one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of the teachers of the modern Church.

I suggest readers might like to recite the Athanasian Creed, one of his most loved formulae, with an intention for the Oratorian families which are such a wonderful grace to the Anglophone Churches.


  1. A very happy feast to you too, Father.

    I wonder if I might ask a question with regard to your excellent hymn written in his honour, 'Salve, fundator.'

    It strikes me that those who happy boarded Peter's barque through the means of the Ordinariate may well wish to sing this, yet it would be something of a stretch to call him our 'founder'. Would it do violence to Latin and the poetry of the text the amend the opening phrase to "Salve, patrone"?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy Feast, Father. And to you, Paul Hardy!
