10 January 2018

Thank you ...

... to everyone who sdent me Christmas Greetings!

Most of the American cards arrived a few days after Christmas; I blame the Royal Mail! And today, a card to celebrate the Julian Christmas.

God bless all of you; and everybody who reads this blog.


  1. God Bless you too, Father.

    We love you!

    Praised Be Jesus Christ, His Angels and His Saints!

    Praised Be the Immaculate Heart, which will Triumph!


  2. Please accept this greeting in anticipation of Armenian Christmas/Epiphany, soon to be celebrated in Jerusalem according to the Julian Calendar on what the Gregorian Calendar calls the 19th of January.

  3. On timing - in our case it wouldn't be fair to blame the Royal Mail. We cut it close for domestic delivery and simply counted on reaching international addresses by Twelfth Night. (Ours was the one full of Wisdom and silence.)

    Incidentally, Sigrid Undset has a fantastic set of reflections published as "Christmas and Twelfth Night" that pierce the usual sentimentalism of the season's spiritual reading. Be sure to get the Longmans, Green & Co. First Edition with B&W reproductions of sacred art throughout and not the reprints with only one (color) frontispiece.
