3 December 2017

ORDO; and Pope Francis

I notice that other blogs are recommending ORDOs for next year. For those who are Ordinary Form chaps and chappesses, but would enjoy something which somewhat elevates bog-standard Bugnini, I commend the ORDO which I still compile, Order for the Eucharist and for Morning and Evening prayer in the Church of England 2018. It gives full information both for the Novus Ordo Roman Rite (Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal) and for the Church of England (Common Worship). Tufton Books. (By the way, it starts with Advent.)

For those who would like something unusual and really quite exciting, I recommend (if you haven't tried it already) the ORDO done by the St Lawrence Press. It will remind you of the days before Ven Pius XII and Hannibal Bugnini started out on their career of liturgical 'reform'. In other words, it offers you the Roman Rite as it was in 1939. You will discover an exotic world in which feasts always had a First Vespers; greater feasts had Vigils; greatest ones had Octaves. You will be surprised to realise how much of what we label 'Bugnini' was really imposed before the Council and before S John XXIII.

It is in abbreviated Latin; but that's how ORDOs were before the 1960s. However, the abbreviations are all very simple and obvious and most people with a dash of liturgical know-how will have no trouble spotting what most of them mean.

Of course, its actual use today would be totally illegal. I am not encouraging anything so improper. No way could you possibly atually put it in your sacristy and ... er ... um ... er ...

... ah ... a thought has just occurred to me ...

PF, by word and example, has insistently made clear his dislike of Rigid Pharisaical people who make a fuss about sticking to Rules and Law and think they are better than everybody else because they do so. Yes! In this pontificate, you need not be legalistic pedants! Get up out of the Seat of Moses! Use this ORDO now, quickly, in case PF is succeeded by someone pharisaical! Could be your last chance!


  1. A pedantry - the Pius XII changes before the Council were already Bugnini. So you cannot let him off the hook!

    As I have said here before, the loss of the 1st Vespers cuts modern Catholics off from 2000 years of Tradition, and from the Jewish way of counting the Calendar which Holy Mother Church had inherited, and so constitutes a rupture just as violent as the turning of the altars and loss of Latin. Lex orandi...

    The St Lawrence press Ordo needs no recommendation from me, but is a wonderful resource, and for those not bound to the Roman Office may be used quite freely without scruple!

  2. Commemorations of saints on Sundays!

  3. I am very aware that it was Pius XII who first employed Bugnini. That is why I linked them together in this post.

  4. I got the 2017 St Lawrence Press Ordo last year, and have ordered the 2018 Ordo. All the abbreviations are explained on page 16 of the 2017 Ordo. Seems hopefully obscure and coded at first, but it expresses everything succinctly. It was helpful too for me in marking out the Missal for, say, 19th November which was the twenty fourth Sunday after Pentecost where Collects, Epistle and Gospel were for sixth Sunday after Pentecost. They also have a blog where the Mass and Office for each Sunday before 'the unpleasant and unfortunate changes of the 1950's and early 1960's.' Each entry also succinctly notes the brutish chopping that place with 'the liturgical books of 1962.'

  5. It comes as a bit of a shock in middle age to realise that even the SSPX or the local TLM Society cannot offer one a Bugnini-free experience. At least if you're looking from 1969, the 1962 glass is half-full. I appreciate that for those looking from 1939, the glass is half-empty.

    1. Well, not really 1962. The rubrics followed by the LMS and SSPX etc include things which were specifically suppressed in 1962 - but the real difference between 1962 and 1969 is that it was before the rot set in. Yes there were some odd changes, but on the whole the simplification of the calendar makes it far more accessible (ironically) than today's bizzare lectionary, and without the confusing terminology of semi doubles and the such. Frankly, it's a shame that the pontifical mass wasn't sorted out in 1962 as well, as this was due some stripping down (a la SSPX).

      All opinions my own obviously. But I'm pretty au fait with the various forms of the Mass having MCd a number of variations (not usually my choice) and of all of them I find the 1962 to be my favourite (but with a second confiteor, which lends a certain gravitas to the occasion).

  6. Dear Grant Milburn, How do you manage to stay put in 1969 (I assume the gentleman's bit, as it still was then for many of us, free of hippies and guitars)? - it must be wonderful to have missed out completely on the horrors of the last 50 years!

  7. Dear Father H, I was in the Faith House Bookshop on Tufton Street about a week ago and was upset to find that they were completely out of your Ordo. They can’t keep them on the shelves!
