7 August 2017

Trump and the Russkies

I think the wisest thing I do is, normally, to steer clear of secular politics, but I am going to fall victim to the temptation to be unwise ... Yes, I know I shall regret it ... have your pens ready ...

... I get more and more mystified by news items wafting across the Herring Pond and centring on allegations that Brother Russky did something underhand to help one Donald Trump to win some recent North American election.

Ever since WW2, various American agencies have been engaging in attempted or actual regime change in countries generously scattered all over the known world. They have not always, in so doing, managed entirely to avoid the termination of inconvenient lives. They seem quite unfazed by suggestions that they often leave 'liberated' countries in a far worse state than they found them. Then there are American-based corporations with fabulous wealth which 'charitably' spend money and bully UN and NGO bodies to attack the structures of the family world-wide, and to disseminate the Culture of Death.

It is really quite stunning to hear so many in the Land of the Free, especially those tied to the apron-strings of that gruesome international abortionist Hillary Clintonova, suddenly discovering that they have such principled objections to anybody else on this planet influencing the political processes or moral systems of other countries.

I can think of worse things than a world in which the leaders respectively of Russkiland and of Yankiedoodleland had a cosy relationship. If Donald Fyodorovich Trump really is hand-in-hand with Vladimir Vladimirovich, that's fine by me. If they can get together to dismantle some of their murderously vile weapons and use their combined influence to make the world a chummier place, so much the better. If they could collaborate in building, by the thousand, in continent after continent, superb churches for the Eucharistic Liturgy, the blessed Epiphany of God upon Earth, and in supporting the structures of the Traditional Family throughout humankind, best of all.

That's what I would say if I were on the Grand Jury.


  1. You're quite right, of course, Father.

    I have nothing to add, but as your blog doesn't seem to have a thumbs-up button or other means of endorsement a comment will have to serve instead.

  2. In my experience, most Americans believe, to one degree or another, the Protestant founding myth that America is somehow God's new Promised Land and they his new chosen people. This finds its most stark and outlandish expression in the home-grown heresy of Mormonism, but even many American Catholics seem to nurture subconscious presumptions that are rooted in that world view. This is often coupled with a presumption, especially among liturgical traditionalists, that completely untrammelled "free-market" capitalism is compatible with Catholic social teaching. Surely the real truth is that God does not have favourites now. If Russia is an instrument for restoring true values to the world, including America, at the moment, God be praised for his providence.

  3. Thank you Father. There are those across the pond who agree with you. One is particularly mindful of the country immediately to the south of the US, say, roughly a century ago, and Vietnam of the fifties and sixties. It would be wonderful to find both the US and Russia dedicating some time and effort to the building of churches and supports for the traditional family. And, for that matter, doing so in other countries where previous efforts have been more of the removing-of-inconvenient-lives sort.


  4. Agree absolutely Father.

  5. Given that Donald's father's name was Frederick, are you sure that the appropriate Russian-style patronymic would be Fyodorovich?

  6. Completely in agreement with you here Father. In addition to what you wrote, Americans complaining that another country enabled truth to come out into the open is really laughable. And then, of course, there the recent photos of Vladimir Vladimirovich wearing his neck cross, and sitting with Defense Minister Shoigu wearing his as well. When did we last see such displays of virile faith over here, one asks.

  7. It might be fun to counterpoise the "Land of the Free" against "House of the Subjugate" (more commonly rendered in Arabic) neither of which particularly sounds like the "Filia Romae" which the Romanovs were pleased to make their Rus to be ("Rome" meaning Byzantion).

    (Not that Francis Scott Key had any such notions in mind when he wrote the Spangly Song, but that what he did mean may well be lost on later generations)

  8. Wags over here have noted that the left never forgave Russia for abandoning Communism.

  9. Like all spying, everyone does it and everyone is indignant when it is done to them.

  10. There was no collusion between Trump and Putin whereas there is alway collision twixt the candidate for the POTUS and Israel but, in any event, collusion is not against any American law.

    It is true that Donald Trump's moral life had descended to the level where he became electable but many Americans have a compact with the Federal Government that says we acknowledge they have the power to do any damn thing they want but, in justice, they do have a duty to provide us with some laughs as they drag the country down into Hell and Donald Trump is the funniest damn POTUS of all time.

    O, sure, the Deep State is out to ice him and render democracy nugatory in doing so - Early voting begins the first weekend in October but be careful for whom you vote because if we don't like him we will take him out - but that is what liberals mean when they reference the sanctity of voting.

    Voting in America is a holy act and the religion of liberals in America is politics and the Deep State will never accept an election that puts a Pope in place like Turmp who, daily hurls anathemas at the clerics.

  11. So wise, so witty, so well expressed. We will not see such sentiments allowed in public discourse at present in either nation of the trans-Atlantic alliance.

  12. One suspects that the real reason for this obsession over election fraud is the alternative - to admit that the D party lost the election due to a badly run campaign and an incompetent unlikable candidate, and that furthermore a large enough number of people actually agreed with what Mr. Trump was saying and therefore voted for him.

  13. My practising Catholic American family voted en bloc for Trump not because they admired or liked the man but because the alternative is too terrible for any Catholic or Evangelical to see in office.That is what the liberal media in the UK cannot grasp because the Clintons,like Obama, are the champions of "progressive" social policy.Americans ,God bless them,are still attached to their Christian roots enough to make a stand. we all know that is no longer the case in Europe.

  14. Gold Star! I heartily agree with all of the above.

  15. i agree totally, dear Fr.

    Next question ?

  16. It is all about politics, Father. The Democrats and their enablers will try anything to try and bring down President Trump. Red herrings abound with that purpose in mind.

    Ms. Clintonova had her fingers in more Russian Kulebyakas than anyone else and should be the last to cast stones.

    But such is what American politics has become – keep throwing mud in hopes that some will stick!

  17. Spot on, Father, as ever. Putin in church in the back end of nowhere..note how smart the church is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-9_yxNrLZE

  18. Well said. I had hoped that Trump and Vladimir would have at least a working relationship. Unfortunately certain vested interests have spoiled any chance of that. The pogrom against the churches of East and West drags on. Putin, like Hungary , Poland and other religious countries is in the sights of the Globalists. Catholics too are in grave danger and like conservative journalists are being eradicated one by one. There is a slow Coup d'Etat playing out in the USA, started in the sixties by The weather Underground and creeping stealthily with the aid of devotees, amiable idiots and highly placed puppets. I thank God that for all the bluster and unedifying rants Trump was the only one who could have ,if not stopped this infernal global machine, then at least halted it long enough for some to escape to reason. Tired of 'Spirit Feasts' (I noted that the hostess and performer was in Denmark recently), of pedophilia art collections, ungodly corruption and the Culture of Death all around leaves one in a state of bewilderment, despair and general'ickiness' as having been too close to Sin with a capital S. God bless, father. Thank you for your comments.

  19. You should make political comment more often, sir!

  20. Well done Father for spotting that DJT's dad Frederick is translated into Russian as Fydor. I had always thought that Fyodor was the Russian equivalent of Theodore, but apparently it can cover a number of western names including Frederick and Alfred.

    With DJTs facing up to the hordes of Islam, I am beginning to think of him as Don John of Wahington.
