8 March 2016

Fr Quintin Montgomery Wright and the Anglo-Norman Patrimony (UPDATED)

Fr Ray Blake gives on his blog a couple of ancient and thoroughly charming videos of this splendid priest, from a Scottish gentry family which is in the stud-book, who ended his Anglican ministry at Holy Trinity Hoxton, the parish in which the English Missal originated. Then he became a cure in Normandy; and maintained to his death the old Roman Rite in his packed rural churches. It's well worth investing an hour of your time watching them. Tissier de Mallerais makes a very sweet cameo appearance as a youthful (practically adolescent) newly-consecrated Flying Bishop to confirm the kiddies prepared for Confirmation by this very Anglican-Patrimony old clergyman.

Helpful comments on my thread provide evidence that he was trained at King's College London (AKC=Associate of King's College), but only for a year. I wonder where he went to school.


  1. 1941 Crockford entry:

    WRIGHT, Quintin Montgomery,. -- A.K.C. 1938. d 1938 Lon. p 1939 Willesden for Lon. C. of St Matt. Oakley-sq. 1938-40; H. Trin. Hoxton, Dio. Lon. from 1940. Holy Trinity, Shepherdess-walk, N1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 4796.)

  2. If my memory serves me from what he told me in the early 1980's, I believe he went to Kings College London and Cudddeston.

  3. Yes, a fascinating hour spent watching this. Fr Ray notes (my rough paraphrase) that the Mass was celebrated in such a natural manner - so embedded in the day to day way of life. This reminds me very much of a traditional French diocesan priest whose parish (where he has been for 50+ years) we attend at least once a year in central France where things continue as they always did - always a real delight. Although I suppose Bishop Le Tissier must have been about 40 in the video, he looks barely 25 - I could hardly believe it was him.

  4. Fr Anthony Chadwick has written a reflective post on Fr Quintin on his blog here:


  5. fascinating and salutary viewing - and the Abbe was confirmed, as an Anglican, by Bishop Frere - patrimony indeed!

  6. And not the last Catholic priest from Holy Trinity, Hoxton. Though sadly "translata est gloria ab Israhel".

  7. Dear all,

    Could someone please post the link to these videos? I have searched and have not found. I would be very grateful to you.

    Many thanks,


  8. Well, on my computer, the bloke who set it up for me included a search engine called Google. I go there and tap in Father Blake and I get a link to his admirable blog.

  9. It was with great pleasure that my wife and I watched this video on a priest we knew.
