25 August 2015

Appeal for help!

Since B Dominic Barberi was beatified in 1963, there must exist a Mass for him according to the conventions of the Missal of 1962. Can someone tell me where to find it, or email it to me? His feast is tomorrow, and I would prefer to use the authorised form rather than Os iusti.


  1. This is all I could find -


  2. Dear Father, But 26th August is also the feast of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Is anyone celebrating it in the EF tomorrow?

  3. Wkipedia places Bl Dominic's beatification by Paul VI in 1963 - would that place his feast beyond the scope of the 1962 rites? The Birmingham Archdiocesan Website mentions a Mass in 2013 for the 50th anniversary and notes that the choir 'sang the propers' - perhaps the Cathedral would have some suggestions? Sorry not to have anything more positive to offer.

  4. Wkipedia places Bl Dominic's beatification by Paul VI in 1963 - would that place his feast beyond the scope of the 1962 rites? The Birmingham Archdiocesan Website mentions a Mass in 2013 for the 50th anniversary and notes that the choir 'sang the propers' - perhaps the Cathedral would have some suggestions? Sorry not to have anything more positive to offer.

  5. In the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, n° 55 (1963), is one of the first acts of the new Pope, B. Paul VI, the canonisation of Dominic of the Mother of God Congregationis Clericorum Excalceatorum Ss.mae Crucis et Passionis D. N. J. C.
    “Praeterea eadem auctoritate Nostra concedimus, ut de illo quotannis recitetur Officium de Communi Confessorum non Pontificum cum lectionibus propriis per Nos approbatis, et Missa de eodem Communi cum orationibus propriis approbatis celebretur juxta Missalis et Breviarii Romani rubricas.”

  6. Father, with failing memory - for recent things, I recall attending Mass at SS Gregory and Augustine, the back end of Oxford, in 1963 or '64 .. yer want ta go down Squitchley and right up Woodstarck, turn t'corner, look for the steps up, and that's you .. or some such directions (and very accurate they were too). The Mass used for Blessed Dominic was, I believe, Justus ut Palma, and apt indeed, if the memory serves.


    The kind people there, for I am sure they are as warm and amusing now as then (I trust so), and would be of far greater help to you, in your present need. Fr John Saward is the blessed soul in charge. And here is the web-world e-mail thingy:


    GBOP etc

  7. No, Scotchlil, as Eriugena points out, the 1962 forms were the forms used (officially, with papal approval) in 1963, 1964, and into 1965 - until mercilessly hacked at, to simplify them (chiefly by scribbling through the standing text), the same (scribbled through) text being further mangled in 1967. Only in 1969/ 70 did the 1962 forms disappear altogether, pffft, overnight. Many of us, at the time of the '62 forms, still carried on using earlier 1940's - 1950's Missals (they were dashed expensive things at the time, just to be cast aside for a few minor [if important] changes to the routine). The 1962-65 Missals needed updating even then (moreso now); I suspect a 1965/67 form might contain a Bl Dominic of the Mother of God's memorial, as part of a Local Use addition (still basically the 1962 form, of course). I'd guess these are almost like hens teeth - if not quite so rare. Perhaps, if one had the time, a check in at one of the fine contributors to the New Liturgical Movement could turn up a British edition of the Missal c 1966.



  8. Thank you for that correction, Nat Ons - having re-read what I wrote I wonder where my mind was yesterday...!

  9. I have several English altar missals of the 60s, but there is nothing for Blessed Dominic. I said the Mass Justa ut palma, as suggested by one of your correspondents above. Nobody objected.
