4 January 2014


What a splendid thing that the Holy Father is cutting out the Monsignori business for youthful careerist clergy. What a load of nonsense it was. Far better to leave honorifics to the local Church. I point out that, as well as Canonries, there is the possibility of using Archdeacon  as a diocesan honorific. In Ireland, and I believe in one or two other European countries, the word survives as a title of honour. From the Anglican Patrimony we can also offer Prebendary. Byzantium has Archpriests, protopresbyters.


  1. We could have just explained what it is and what it isn't. But perhaps the careerism, especially in more liberal priests, was so ingrained that this step was necessary. Also, I have heard that among secular clergy this is a way for bishops and nuncios to keep priests from becoming bishops. I wonder if this applies to diplomats of the Holy See as well...and I hope the rumor of the Holy Father not liking the ceremony and has done this to scale back its celebration has no truth to it...

  2. Can you make someone a prebendary without having a prebend (or at any rate a prebendal title) to give him?

  3. In Dublin (my native diocese) there are two archdeacons (Dublin and Gendalough) each canon of the Metropolitan Chapter has a prebend too! Their titles are replicated by the C of I but not in the Dublin diocesan Cathedral chapter but in St Patrick's instead!

    PS According to Fr Nichols OP, Fortescue would have agreed with you wholeheartedly.
