19 November 2013

Change of address

A few days ago, we moved house. Readers who had my old address, telephone number, and email address will, if they wish to email me at the email  address they have, be sent my new (geographical) address and telephone number (if we have not frequently been in touch, remind me ...) We are still within the all-important 15-minutes-by-bus-into-Oxford-and-four-buses-an-hour zone.

Personal news: You may know that I broke my shoulder very badly last November ... coming down the steps of S Peter's after visiting the Sacristy to book an altar for the following day. A kind priest friend looked after me and saw me safely home, where I had an operation a couple of days later. I can now be certain of setting off the alarms in any and every airport security scanner.

The surgeon said the maximum I could hope for was 80% recovery, and I think I have that. The arm is fully functional but can get sore if I am imprudent. This hasn't stopped me having wonderful times getting around: some of the highlights have been Copenhagen, Dublin, the first singing in the Birmingham Oratory of the Latin hymn to Bl John Henry Newman, which the Oratory very kindly commissioned from me.


  1. I had thought that perhaps you had decided on blogging elsewhere, providing us with The Low Churchman's Guide to the Solemn High Mass...

  2. I thought you had decided to stop blogging all together! I have missed your Pearls of Wisdom on all matters Liturgical. Hope you stick around this time. Will await your commentaries on the new Anglican Use Mass for the Ordinariates. Many Blessings and Many years!

  3. Thank you Joshua for that link. It has now brightened up a dismal rainy November morning and I can't stop laughing. I must practise the triple genuflection. . .

  4. Glad to have you "back on the air." Sorry to hear about the shoulder. No more wrestling with angels!

  5. I am so glad you are posting again! Stay well and be careful on those stairs!!
