22 August 2010

Gardening Leave and the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Many of the very best bishops go from time to time on Gardening Leave. Not that Bishop Williamson of SSPX, who is on Gardening Leave, is one of the Best Bishops. His Blog ... always readable (I liked his coinage 'televideots') ... is usually dotty. But it now reports a rumour that SSPX is being offered the option of subscribing to the Catechism rather than to the corpus of Vatican II.

Now where have I heard of that mechanism before?

I wonder why he did visit America recently? Possibly to check out how the Anglican Use parishes operate?

Is it true that he is to be Chairman of the new Gardening Bishops' Club?


  1. Hmm, I had to look up ‘gardening leave’ as I was unfamiliar with the expression. I thought it meant being ‘put out to pasture’.

    Here in the US business world there is no ‘gardening leave’. Quite the contrary. If you are being forcibly retired or laid off (not necessarily for any nefarious activity – ‘staff reduction’ suffices) most likely you will be met at the door by Security, accompanied to your desk so you may remove your personal items and then escorted to the exit. Very efficient, but very cold.

    “Gardening leave” sounds much more civilized.

  2. I doubt that the SSPX would be any happier to accept the CCC without reservation than the corpus of Vatican 2. They have consistently criticised the Catechism for ambiguities and omissions.

    Are all converts to the faith, in the future, to be required specifically to swear allegiance to every jot and tittle of the Catechism? If so, that's a much greater demand than the church has ever made in the past.

  3. I invite davidfoster to read the series that I recently did on the status of the CCC, addressing directly the question he now poses.

  4. I find it difficult to accept, that as appears to be postulated on this blog, Fr Hunwicke really finds the "CCC" the ultimate compendium of all that the Catholic Church teaches?! In a few brief posts concerning the liturgy, Fr Hunwicke seems able to expound and expose that which the "CCC" does not and ought teach about the Catholic Faith?! "Lex ORANDI, lex credendi!" (Not vice versa as Pius XII would have us think...)
