31 March 2010

Fr Thurston and the CTS

I have copies of Fr Thurston's old CTS pamphlets about the pre-Pius XII rites for Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday, and very good stuff they are. If anybody has copies of his pamphlets on Tenebrae, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday which they don't want, it would be a kind and cheering Easter prezzy to an aged and decaying priest to pop them into an envelope and send them to me at John Coombe's House/ 28 St Thomas's Street/ Oxford/ OX1 1JL.

A shame nobody is likely to reprint them.


  1. Well I have a bound set of them all but I am afraid I shall not be parting with it.

    Does not Thurston's rationalist approach spoil them? A lot of what he wrote a century ago could be challenged IMHO... perhaps an updated version?

  2. Given that Fr Thurston's writings are now surely out of copyright (he died in 1939), there's nothing to stop one of us shoving the text on the Internet, if we feel so inclined ...
