19 January 2010


A couple of Anglican priests have suggested the possibility of a teach-in for Anglican priests in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite; probably in Oxford. I recall one or two enquiries some time ago about this; but I don't recall from whom.

I have done no research on where, how, or when in Oxford this could happen; and so I have no idea what the cost might be. Before I do that, I would like to know if there is any wider interest.

It has been suggested that, properly packaged, it might be able to claim CME grants!

Fr P; will you take this as an acknowledgement of your very interesting email?


  1. Father,

    This sounds like an excellent idea. I would certainly join in with this.

  2. Good idea !

    A friend of mine told me that videos teaching the celebration of the 1962 missal are like reading the Kamasutra to learn what is marriage...

  3. I'd heard that some had already started learning it elsewhere.

  4. Once you get the 1/8th turn, 1/2 turn and full turn thing down it's smooth sailing. Starch your linens. Don't sway. Remember you're not bat-man. And NEVER make eye contact except with your server -- if something goes wrong give him a very stern look.

  5. There is nothing like spending a week with these über-classy french benedictines of Le Barroux or Fontgombault Daughters.

    Youtube features nice introductions to an European journey.

  6. Perhaps as part of the Patrimony we could recover the anglicised pronunciation of the Latin tongue, as was common among recusants and continued, I believe, even after the restoration of the hierarchy in the 1850s

  7. Fr Neil, that is a subject in itself. Perhaps our host will give it his attention some time?

  8. That Anglicised pronunciation is very very difficult indeed. I used it at Lancing when giving out titles of anthems the Choir was about to sing, and, believe me, even in so limited a context, boy, did I find it tricky.

  9. I once knew a fellow from Peru,
    His Latin-iction was "Anglican," he say true.
    Yet the folks in the pews
    To the ones that gave ear,
    'Twas a pain in the arse to endure thru.

  10. Perhaps, Father, the pronunciation of the title, as of the sung text, should vary according to the provenance and date of the composition.
