16 May 2009

A Book Review

"The fabled clergyman who gave out from his pulpit, "Today is Easter Day; last Friday was Good Friday, but as it was overlooked it will be kept next Friday", might have spared himself these embarrassments if he had possessed a copy of the unpretentious but tastefully produced booklet that reaches us from Burns, Oates, & Washbourne, entitled Ordo Recitandi Divini Officii, etc., etc., etc. (1/6 net). The author modestly preserves anonymity, nor does he betray his identity by any marked individuality of treatment; but his colleagues will be glad to welcome a piece of solid work from his pen, and will not fail to recognize his attention to detail and his terse, nervous Latinity."
I'm sure you'll have no trouble guessing who, in 1923, wrote that?


  1. Though I can't lay my hands on it just now, I'm sure I remember reading that review in Waugh's biography of the Monsignor in question.

  2. If that's not Fr Adrian Fortescue, I shall probably have to eat my biretta. 1923 is the year of his regrettably early demise.

  3. I'm getting a special cake made. Mgr RK of course, in that illustrious journal The Edmundian - though as to the identity of the author of the Ordo ...

  4. Yup: Ronnie Knox of course. I'm trying to remember who wrote
    Mary of Holyrood may smile indeed
    Knowing what grim historic shade it shocks
    To see wit, laughter and the popish creed
    Cluster and sparkle in the name of Knox.

  5. Yes, definitely GKC (again as quoted in the Waugh biography, which I have just managed to locate on my shelves).
