29 November 2008

Tridentine Anglicans

In a recent number of New Directions, Fr Digby Anderson wrote about the need for more Anglican priests and bishops to celebrate the Old Mass. Of course, since the motu proprio making clear that any priest of the Western Church may celebrate this Mass without further permissions, there can be no doubt about its legality in the Church of England. The Holy Father has ordinary, immediate, and episcopal jurisdiction over all the Faithful.

I wonder if there are any Anglican clergy or seminarians out there who would be interested in becoming a small and informal group or network to support and promote the Old Mass, whether in Latin or in the English Missal version - which surely must have acquired liceity by immemorial custom.

FSSA, perhaps? (Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Augustini)


  1. The old Mass is the "most" licit of liturgies. The fellowships, armies and companies of saints corroborate this fact.

    The Novus Ordo has been a catastrophe, and the forensics are on my side: dead souls everywhere. I have been saying the old Mass exclusively for nearly three years (mainly Latin (Desclee, 1950) also English (Knott, 1940)) making me ineligible for popularity contests; nevertheless, I'd rather be lonely and "most" licit than popular and "least" licit. I am very interested in an Anglican old Mass chat group. But I realize "rev'd up" isn't a popular guy, so I won't crash a party to which I'm not invited.

  2. Why not do something REALLY Catholic and English-SARUM!
    THAT might really get things stirred up.

    If you are going to go back it might as well be all the way back to Queen Mary & Cardinal Pole, the last time Sarum was legitimately used.
    I think it would be great.

  3. I'm not sure that Matthew read my post on Sarum before he made this comment. Always look carefully back to make sure you haven't missed an item.

  4. Dear Fr.,
    As you know, my Latin is weaker than Shakespere's Greek, and where I am, currently, there would be few 'takers'. So, although I am delighted that Benedict has sought to encourage the usus antiquior, I fancy that English Missal might be as far as we could practicably go, for the time being.
    Apart from that, you can 'count me in' - perhaps for a weekly Mass, at least initially.

  5. Anglicans in Engand are so flexible. In the US, with an exception of a few places, it is almost all BCP.

  6. Perhaps, Father might be interested in giving us his Liturgical Notes on the proposition of using the Book of Divine Worship (BDW) in the CofE, being that it's approved by the Anglican Use? No doubt as an option to the English Missal.

    This thread over on de cura animarum might be of reference: Catholic Anglicans in England Using Book of Divine Worship?


  7. For my part I have always favoured the translations in the Anglican Missal to those of the English Missal.
