24 August 2008

The Last Sunday in October

I'm still dithering. Everybody seems to have a sort of gut feeling that the last Sunday in October is not a common or garden Sunday, coming as it does before the Solemnity of All Saints, and just before modern lectionaries start the echatological readings that lead up to Advent (Bubbles Stancliffe, our Anglican equivalent of the great Bugnini, wanted to call the November Sundays 'The season of the Kingdom', but General Synod by this point felt that it had had just about enough of clever inventiveness, and called them instead 'Sundays before Advent'). For Common Worship it is the Last Sunday after Trinity. There is Roman authority for putting the Feast of the Dedication of the church on this day; and Common Worship also encourages that (as well as the traditional Anglican date of the first Sunday in October). And, remembering that it has eliminated the theme of Scripture from Advent II (Dr Cranmer, taking a hint from Sarum, lodged it there), Common Worship also attempts to ingratiate itself with its protestant users by giving them the option of making the Last Sunday in October 'Bible Sunday'. And, you're all waiting to remind me, in the EF of the Roman Rite it is Christ the King.

I shall have to decide soon, as the S Thomas's Calendar is done by the month. Oh dear. Who will rid me of this turbulent Sunday?


  1. Of course the Lutherans have no problem, its just plain ole Reformation Sunday.

  2. Of course in the Roman liturgy the Feast of Christ the King on the last Sunday of October is of a rather modern vintage having been introduced by Pius XI.

    Father, my limited understanding it that the BCP followed a similar practice to the Roman rite and made use of 'spare' Sundays after the Epiphany etc. What do modern Anglican calendars differently?

    Advent originally had six Sundays, a practice still preserved at Milan.

  3. Yes, those who follow the old Prayer Book Calendar insert the post-Epiphany Masses before 'The Sunday next before Advent', in those years when Easter comes earlier rather than later. Modern Anglican usage is to use the Roman three-year lectionary for the readings but to call the last four Sundays of the year 'Sundays before Advent' and to provide them with 'eschatological' collects. Red vestments may be used. Tosh!

  4. come on Fr. - give us all the lead and put Christ the King back on last sunday in October so we can have Stir up Sunday back! Many of us lean towards the EF missal but need encouragement to move towards it
