26 April 2018


I'm going to take a week or two off from reading emails, which includes Comments offered to this Blog. I shall still provide a daily Post, but I will be unresponsive to all comments. Nor shall I watch any Television or open any letters or ... etc. etc..

I have done this fairly regularly in the past, and I can recommend it to anybody else out there who is a seeker for sanity.


  1. Taking after the Holy Father, of course...

  2. Even better for your sanity would be to cease blogging altogether. You never do much else except go on and on and on about how dreadful the present Pope is. Popes don't matter that much, none of them. They are not God, they are only functionaries of the institution - and that doesn't matter that much either. God is infinitely more interesting than the church and its goings-on and the weird obsessions of its devotees. You could even use the time you save to do some real prayer: silent contemplation of the divine. Now that really would do you a whole lot more good.

  3. PLEASE don't cease blogging, Father!

  4. Savonarola is as big a troll as their historical idol.
