26 February 2018

Ordinariate Missal

Divine Worship The Missal, in its Study Edition, will, I gather, be available in April. The CTS (Catholic Truth Society) has done a run of 1,000.


Prayerful said...

Looking forward to this. I pre-ordered when you first mentioned it Fr. I have an Ordinariate Mass leaflet, but it would be good to see the Ordinariate Order of Mass in context.

Anonymous said...

Only 1,000? Wow. Hopefully it will sell out and they will print more.

Monica said...

Ordered a copy. Looking forward to seeing it.

Jon said...

I've read the website blurb. A "study" missal. Ostensibly, so it says, for liturgical planning, and I suppose a portable altar missal useful for traveling should one be a priest.

What I'm wondering about are plans for a devotional hand missal? Made very difficult, I'm sure, as the Ordinariate is burdened with the wretched triple year lectionary of the Novus Ordo. Still, I'd love to acquire one when and if it's produced.